Source code for hvac.utils

Misc utility functions and constants

import functools
import inspect
import os
import warnings
from textwrap import dedent
import urllib

from hvac import exceptions

[docs]def raise_for_error( method, url, status_code, message=None, errors=None, text=None, json=None ): """Helper method to raise exceptions based on the status code of a response received back from Vault. :param method: HTTP method of a request to Vault. :type method: str :param url: URL of the endpoint requested in Vault. :type url: str :param status_code: Status code received in a response from Vault. :type status_code: int :param message: Optional message to include in a resulting exception. :type message: str :param errors: Optional errors to include in a resulting exception. :type errors: list | str :param text: Optional text of the response. :type text: str :param json: Optional deserialized version of a JSON response (object) :type json: object :raises: hvac.exceptions.InvalidRequest | hvac.exceptions.Unauthorized | hvac.exceptions.Forbidden | hvac.exceptions.InvalidPath | hvac.exceptions.RateLimitExceeded | hvac.exceptions.InternalServerError | hvac.exceptions.VaultNotInitialized | hvac.exceptions.BadGateway | hvac.exceptions.VaultDown | hvac.exceptions.UnexpectedError """ raise exceptions.VaultError.from_status( status_code, message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url, text=text, json=json, )
[docs]def aliased_parameter( name, *aliases, removed_in_version, position=None, raise_on_multiple=True ): """A decorator that can be used to define one or more aliases for a parameter, and optionally display a deprecation warning when aliases are used. It can also optionally raise an exception if a value is supplied via multiple names. LIMITATIONS: If the canonical parameter can be specified unnamed (positionally), then its position must be set to correctly detect multiple use and apply precedence. To set multiple aliases with different values for the optional parameters, use the decorator multiple times with the same name. This method will only work properly when the alias parameter is set as a keyword (named) arg, therefore the function in question should ensure that any aliases come after \\*args or bare \\* (marking keyword-only arguments: Note also that aliases do not have to appear in the original function's argument list. :param name: The canonical name of the parameter. :type name: str :param aliases: One or more alias names for the parameter. :type aliases: str :param removed_in_version: The version in which the alias will be removed. This should typically have a value. In the rare case that an alias is not deprecated, set this to None. :type removed_in_version: str | None :param position: The 0-based position of the canonical argument if it could be specified positionally. Use None for a keyword-only (named) argument. :type position: int :param raise_on_multiple: When True (default), raise an exception if a value is supplied via multiple names. :type raise_on_multiple: bool """ def decorator(method): @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): has_canonical = False try: kwargs[name] except KeyError: if position is not None: try: args[position] except IndexError: pass else: has_canonical = True else: has_canonical = True # At this point if has_canonical is True, we'll never use an alias value, # but we're still looping so we can catch duplicates or deprecated aliases. for alias in aliases: if alias in kwargs: # do deprecation before (potentially) raising on a duplicate to aid the user in choosing the right parameter. if removed_in_version is not None: deprecation_message = generate_parameter_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version=removed_in_version, old_parameter_name=alias, new_parameter_name=name, ) warnings.warn( message=deprecation_message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if not (has_canonical or name in kwargs): kwargs[name] = kwargs[alias] else: if raise_on_multiple: raise ValueError( f"Parameter '{name}' was given a duplicate value via alias '{alias}'." ) del kwargs[alias] return method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def generate_parameter_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version, old_parameter_name, new_parameter_name=None, extra_notes=None, ): """Generate a message to be used when warning about the use of deprecated paramers. :param to_be_removed_in_version: Version of this module the deprecated parameter will be removed in. :type to_be_removed_in_version: str :param old_parameter_name: Deprecated parameter name. :type old_parameter_name: str :param new_parameter_name: Parameter intended to replace the deprecated parameter, if applicable. :type new_parameter_name: str | None :param extra_notes: Optional freeform text used to provide additional context, alternatives, or notes. :type extra_notes: str | None :return: Full deprecation warning message for the indicated parameter. :rtype: str """ message = f"Value supplied for deprecated parameter '{old_parameter_name}'. This parameter will be removed in version '{to_be_removed_in_version}'." if new_parameter_name is not None: message += f" Please use the '{new_parameter_name}' parameter moving forward." if extra_notes is not None: message += f" {extra_notes}" return message
[docs]def generate_method_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version, old_method_name, method_name=None, module_name=None ): """Generate a message to be used when warning about the use of deprecated methods. :param to_be_removed_in_version: Version of this module the deprecated method will be removed in. :type to_be_removed_in_version: str :param old_method_name: Deprecated method name. :type old_method_name: str :param method_name: Method intended to replace the deprecated method indicated. This method's docstrings are included in the decorated method's docstring. :type method_name: str :param module_name: Name of the module containing the new method to use. :type module_name: str :return: Full deprecation warning message for the indicated method. :rtype: str """ message = "Call to deprecated function '{old_method_name}'. This method will be removed in version '{version}'".format( old_method_name=old_method_name, version=to_be_removed_in_version, ) if method_name is not None and module_name is not None: message += " Please use the '{method_name}' method on the '{module_name}' class moving forward.".format( method_name=method_name, module_name=module_name, ) return message
[docs]def generate_property_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version, old_name, new_name, new_attribute, module_name="Client" ): """Generate a message to be used when warning about the use of deprecated properties. :param to_be_removed_in_version: Version of this module the deprecated property will be removed in. :type to_be_removed_in_version: str :param old_name: Deprecated property name. :type old_name: str :param new_name: Name of the new property name to use. :type new_name: str :param new_attribute: The new attribute where the new property can be found. :type new_attribute: str :param module_name: Name of the module containing the new method to use. :type module_name: str :return: Full deprecation warning message for the indicated property. :rtype: str """ message = "Call to deprecated property '{name}'. This property will be removed in version '{version}'".format( name=old_name, version=to_be_removed_in_version, ) message += " Please use the '{new_name}' property on the '{module_name}.{new_attribute}' attribute moving forward.".format( new_name=new_name, module_name=module_name, new_attribute=new_attribute, ) return message
[docs]def getattr_with_deprecated_properties(obj, item, deprecated_properties): """Helper method to use in the getattr method of a class with deprecated properties. :param obj: Instance of the Class containing the deprecated properties in question. :type obj: object :param item: Name of the attribute being requested. :type item: str :param deprecated_properties: List of deprecated properties. Each item in the list is a dict with at least a "to_be_removed_in_version" and "client_property" key to be used in the displayed deprecation warning. :type deprecated_properties: List[dict] :return: The new property indicated where available. :rtype: object """ if item in deprecated_properties: deprecation_message = generate_property_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version=deprecated_properties[item][ "to_be_removed_in_version" ], old_name=item, new_name=deprecated_properties[item].get("new_property", item), new_attribute=deprecated_properties[item]["client_property"], ) warnings.warn( message=deprecation_message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) client_property = getattr(obj, deprecated_properties[item]["client_property"]) return getattr( client_property, deprecated_properties[item].get("new_property", item) ) raise AttributeError( "'{class_name}' has no attribute '{item}'".format( class_name=obj.__class__.__name__, item=item, ) )
[docs]def deprecated_method(to_be_removed_in_version, new_method=None): """This is a decorator which can be used to mark methods as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used. :param to_be_removed_in_version: Version of this module the decorated method will be removed in. :type to_be_removed_in_version: str :param new_method: Method intended to replace the decorated method. This method's docstrings are included in the decorated method's docstring. :type new_method: function :return: Wrapped function that includes a deprecation warning and update docstrings from the replacement method. :rtype: types.FunctionType """ def decorator(method): if new_method is not None: new_method_name = new_method.__name__ new_module_name = inspect.getmodule(new_method).__name__ else: new_method_name, new_module_name = (None, None) deprecation_message = generate_method_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version=to_be_removed_in_version, old_method_name=method.__name__, method_name=new_method_name, module_name=new_module_name, ) @functools.wraps(method) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( message=deprecation_message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return method(*args, **kwargs) if new_method: # Here we copy the docstring from the specified replacement method (i.e., the method to be used in place of # the one we're marking as deprecated) where available to set within the deprecated method's docstring. # If the "new" method has no docstring, we use a value of "N/A". docstring_copy = ( new_method.__doc__ if new_method.__doc__ is not None else "N/A" ) if new_method.__doc__ is not None: new_func.__doc__ = """\ {message} Docstring content from this method's replacement copied below: {docstring_copy} """.format( message=deprecation_message, docstring_copy=dedent(docstring_copy), ) else: new_func.__doc__ = deprecation_message return new_func return decorator
[docs]def validate_list_of_strings_param(param_name, param_argument): """Validate that an argument is a list of strings. :param param_name: The name of the parameter being validated. Used in any resulting exception messages. :type param_name: str | unicode :param param_argument: The argument to validate. :type param_argument: list :return: True if the argument is validated, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if param_argument is None: param_argument = [] if isinstance(param_argument, str): param_argument = param_argument.split(",") if not isinstance(param_argument, list) or not all( isinstance(p, str) for p in param_argument ): error_msg = 'unsupported {param} argument provided "{arg}" ({arg_type}), required type: List[str]' raise exceptions.ParamValidationError( error_msg.format( param=param_name, arg=param_argument, arg_type=type(param_argument), ) )
[docs]def list_to_comma_delimited(list_param): """Convert a list of strings into a comma-delimited list / string. :param list_param: A list of strings. :type list_param: list :return: Comma-delimited string. :rtype: str """ if list_param is None: list_param = [] return ",".join(list_param)
[docs]def get_token_from_env(): """Get the token from env var, VAULT_TOKEN. If not set, attempt to get the token from, ~/.vault-token :return: The vault token if set, else None :rtype: str | None """ token = os.getenv("VAULT_TOKEN") if not token: token_file_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.vault-token") if os.path.exists(token_file_path): with open(token_file_path) as f_in: token = if not token: return None return token
[docs]def comma_delimited_to_list(list_param): """Convert comma-delimited list / string into a list of strings :param list_param: Comma-delimited string :type list_param: str | unicode :return: A list of strings :rtype: list """ if isinstance(list_param, list): return list_param if isinstance(list_param, str): return list_param.split(",") else: return []
[docs]def validate_pem_format(param_name, param_argument): """Validate that an argument is a PEM-formatted public key or certificate :param param_name: The name of the parameter being validate. Used in any resulting exception messages. :type param_name: str | unicode :param param_argument: The argument to validate :type param_argument: str | unicode :return: True if the argument is validate False otherwise :rtype: bool """ def _check_pem(arg): arg = arg.strip() if not arg.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") or not arg.endswith( "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" ): return False return True if isinstance(param_argument, str): param_argument = [param_argument] if not isinstance(param_argument, list) or not all( _check_pem(p) for p in param_argument ): error_msg = ( "unsupported {param} public key / certificate format, required type: PEM" ) raise exceptions.ParamValidationError(error_msg.format(param=param_name))
[docs]def remove_nones(params): """Removes None values from optional arguments in a parameter dictionary. :param params: The dictionary of parameters to be filtered. :type params: dict :return: A filtered copy of the parameter dictionary. :rtype: dict """ return {key: value for key, value in params.items() if value is not None}
[docs]def format_url(format_str, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a URL using the specified format after escaping the provided arguments. :param format_str: The URL containing replacement fields. :type format_str: str :param kwargs: Positional replacement field values. :type kwargs: list :param kwargs: Named replacement field values. :type kwargs: dict :return: The formatted URL path with escaped replacement fields. :rtype: str """ def url_quote(maybe_str): # Special care must be taken for Python 2 where Unicode characters will break urllib quoting. # To work around this, we always cast to a Unicode type, then UTF-8 encode it. # Doing this is version agnostic and returns the same result in Python 2 or 3. unicode_str = str(maybe_str) utf8_str = unicode_str.encode("utf-8") return urllib.parse.quote(utf8_str) escaped_args = [url_quote(value) for value in args] escaped_kwargs = {key: url_quote(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()} return format_str.format(*escaped_args, **escaped_kwargs)