Source code for hvac.api.vault_api_category

"""Base class used by all hvac api "category" classes."""
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from hvac.api.vault_api_base import VaultApiBase

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VaultApiCategory(VaultApiBase, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for API categories."""
[docs] def __init__(self, adapter): """API Category class constructor. :param adapter: Instance of :py:class:`hvac.adapters.Adapter`; used for performing HTTP requests. :type adapter: hvac.adapters.Adapter """ self._adapter = adapter self.implemented_class_names = [] for implemented_class in self.implemented_classes: class_name = implemented_class.__name__.lower() self.implemented_class_names.append(class_name) auth_method_instance = implemented_class(adapter=adapter) setattr(self, self.get_private_attr_name(class_name), auth_method_instance) super().__init__(adapter=adapter)
def __getattr__(self, item): """Get an instance of an class instance in this category where available. :param item: Name of the class being requested. :type item: str | unicode :return: The requested class instance where available. :rtype: hvac.api.VaultApiBase """ if item in self.implemented_class_names: private_attr_name = self.get_private_attr_name(item) return getattr(self, private_attr_name) if item in [u.lower() for u in self.unimplemented_classes]: raise NotImplementedError( '"%s" auth method class not currently implemented.' % item ) raise AttributeError @property def adapter(self): """Retrieve the adapter instance under the "_adapter" property in use by this class. :return: The adapter instance in use by this class. :rtype: hvac.adapters.Adapter """ return self._adapter @adapter.setter def adapter(self, adapter): """Sets the adapter instance under the "_adapter" property in use by this class. Also sets the adapter property for all implemented classes under this category. :param adapter: New adapter instance to set for this class and all implemented classes under this category. :type adapter: hvac.adapters.Adapter """ self._adapter = adapter for implemented_class in self.implemented_classes: class_name = implemented_class.__name__.lower() getattr(self, self.get_private_attr_name(class_name)).adapter = adapter @property @abstractmethod def implemented_classes(self): """List of implemented classes under this category. :return: List of implemented classes under this category. :rtype: List[hvac.api.VaultApiBase] """ raise NotImplementedError @property def unimplemented_classes(self): """List of known unimplemented classes under this category. :return: List of known unimplemented classes under this category. :rtype: List[str] """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def get_private_attr_name(class_name): """Helper method to prepend a leading underscore to a provided class name. :param class_name: Name of a class under this category. :type class_name: str|unicode :return: The private attribute label for the provided class. :rtype: str """ private_attr_name = f"_{class_name}" return private_attr_name