
Feel free to open issues and/or pull requests with additional features or improvements! For general questions about contributing to hvac that donā€™t fit in the scope of a GitHub issue, and for any folks are interested in becoming a maintainer of hvac, please feel free to join our gitter chat room for discussions at .. image::

alt:Gitter chat


Integration tests will automatically start a Vault server in the background. Just make sure the latest vault binary is available in your PATH.

  1. Install Vault or execute tests/scripts/ Note: by default this script installs the OSS version of Vault. An enterprise trial version of the Vault binary is available for testing (but has an explicitly limited runtime). To run integration test cases requiring enterprise Vault, you can invoke the installation script with: <desired version> 'enterprise'
  2. Install Tox
  3. Run tests: make test

Updating RequirementsĀ¶

This project uses pip-toolā€™s pip-compile utility to manage its various requirements. Any given requirements file can be manually updated by following the pip-compile comments at the top of the file. Alternatively, the update-all-requirements Makefile target can be used to update requirements across the board (this has a dependency on docker being available).



Example code or general guides for methods in this module can be added under docs/usage. Any newly added or updated method in this module will ideally have a corresponding addition to these examples. New usage sections should also be added to the table of contents tracked in docs/usage.rst.

Backwards Compatibility Breaking ChangesĀ¶

Due to the close connection between this module and HashiCorp Vault versions, breaking changes are sometimes required. This can also occur as part of code refactoring to enable improvements in the module generally. In these cases:

  • A deprecation notice should be displayed to callers of the module until the minor revision +2. E.g., a notice added in version 0.6.2 could see the marked method / functionality removed in version 0.8.0.
  • Breaking changes should be called out in the for the affected version.

Creating / Publishing ReleasesĀ¶

  • [ ] Checkout the develop branch: .. code-block:: guess

    git checkout develop git pull

  • [ ] Update the version number using bumpversion. Releases typically just use the ā€œpatchā€ bumpversion option; but ā€œminorā€ and ā€œmajorā€ are available as needed as needed. This will also add an appropriate git commit for the new version. .. code-block:: guess

    bumpversion ā€“no-tag {patch|minor|major}

  • [ ] Pull up the current draft hvac release and use the release-drafter generated release body to update Then commit the changes: .. code-block:: guess

    git commit -m ā€œChangelog updates for v$(grep -oP ā€˜(?<=current_version = ).*ā€™ .bumpversion.cfg)ā€

  • [ ] Git push the updated develop branch (git push) and open a PR to rebase merge the develop branch into master:ā€¦develop. Ensure the PR has the ā€œreleaseā€ label applied and then merge it.

  • [ ] Publish the draft release on GitHub: Ensure the tag is set to the release name (e.g., vX.X.X) and the target is the master branch. NOTE: release-drafter sets the release name by default. If performing a minor or major update, these values will need to be manually updated before publishing the draft release subsequently.