Source code for hvac.api.secrets_engines.gcp

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Gcp methods module."""
import json
import logging

from hvac import exceptions, utils
from hvac.api.vault_api_base import VaultApiBase
from hvac.constants.gcp import (


[docs]class Gcp(VaultApiBase): """Google Cloud Secrets Engine (API). Reference: """
[docs] def configure( self, credentials=None, ttl=None, max_ttl=None, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT ): """Configure shared information for the Gcp secrets engine. Supported methods: POST: /{mount_point}/config. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param credentials: JSON credentials (either file contents or '@path/to/file') See docs for alternative ways to pass in to this parameter, as well as the required permissions. :type credentials: str | unicode :param ttl: – Specifies default config TTL for long-lived credentials (i.e. service account keys). Accepts integer number of seconds or Go duration format string. :type ttl: int | str :param max_ttl: Specifies the maximum config TTL for long-lived credentials (i.e. service account keys). Accepts integer number of seconds or Go duration format string.** :type max_ttl: int | str :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ params = utils.remove_nones( { "credentials": credentials, "ttl": ttl, "max_ttl": max_ttl, } ) api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{mount_point}/config", mount_point=mount_point) return url=api_path, json=params, )
[docs] def read_config(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Read the configured shared information for the Gcp secrets engine. Credentials will be omitted from returned data. Supported methods: GET: /{mount_point}/config. Produces: 200 application/json :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{mount_point}/config", mount_point=mount_point) return self._adapter.get( url=api_path, )
[docs] def create_or_update_roleset( self, name, project, bindings, secret_type=None, token_scopes=None, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT, ): """Create a roleset or update an existing roleset. See roleset docs for the GCP secrets backend to learn more about what happens when you create or update a roleset. Supported methods: POST: /{mount_point}/roleset/{name}. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param name: Name of the role. Cannot be updated. :type name: str | unicode :param project: Name of the GCP project that this roleset's service account will belong to. Cannot be updated. :type project: str | unicode :param bindings: Bindings configuration string (expects HCL or JSON format in raw or base64-encoded string) :type bindings: str | unicode :param secret_type: Cannot be updated. :type secret_type: str | unicode :param token_scopes: List of OAuth scopes to assign to access_token secrets generated under this role set (access_token role sets only) :type token_scopes: list[str] :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ if secret_type is not None and secret_type not in ALLOWED_SECRETS_TYPES: error_msg = 'unsupported secret_type argument provided "{arg}", supported types: "{secret_type}"' raise exceptions.ParamValidationError( error_msg.format( arg=secret_type, secret_type=",".join(ALLOWED_SECRETS_TYPES), ) ) if isinstance(bindings, dict): bindings = json.dumps(bindings).replace(" ", "") logging.debug("bindings: %s" % bindings) params = { "project": project, "bindings": bindings, } params.update( utils.remove_nones( { "secret_type": secret_type, "token_scopes": token_scopes, } ) ) api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/roleset/{name}", mount_point=mount_point, name=name, ) return url=api_path, json=params, )
[docs] def rotate_roleset_account(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Rotate the service account this roleset uses to generate secrets. This also replaces the key access_token roleset. This can be used to invalidate old secrets generated by the roleset or fix issues if a roleset's service account (and/or keys) was changed outside of Vault (i.e. through GCP APIs/cloud console). Supported methods: POST: /{mount_point}/roleset/{name}/rotate. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param name: Name of the role. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/roleset/{name}/rotate", mount_point=mount_point, name=name, ) return url=api_path, )
[docs] def rotate_roleset_account_key(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Rotate the service account key this roleset uses to generate access tokens. This does not recreate the roleset service account. Supported methods: POST: /{mount_point}/roleset/{name}/rotate-key. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param name: Name of the role. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/roleset/{name}/rotate-key", mount_point=mount_point, name=name, ) return url=api_path, )
[docs] def read_roleset(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Read a roleset. Supported methods: GET: /{mount_point}/roleset/{name}. Produces: 200 application/json :param name: Name of the role. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/roleset/{name}", mount_point=mount_point, name=name, ) return self._adapter.get( url=api_path, )
[docs] def list_rolesets(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """List configured rolesets. Supported methods: LIST: /{mount_point}/rolesets. Produces: 200 application/json :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/rolesets", mount_point=mount_point ) return self._adapter.list( url=api_path, )
[docs] def delete_roleset(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Delete an existing roleset by the given name. Supported methods: DELETE: /{mount_point}/roleset/{name} Produces: 200 application/json :param name: Name of the role. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/roleset/{name}", name=name, mount_point=mount_point, ) return self._adapter.delete( url=api_path, )
[docs] def generate_oauth2_access_token(self, roleset, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Generate an OAuth2 token with the scopes defined on the roleset. This OAuth access token can be used in GCP API calls, e.g. curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" ... Supported methods: GET: /{mount_point}/token/{roleset}. Produces: 200 application/json :param roleset: Name of an roleset with secret type access_token to generate access_token under. :type roleset: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/token/{roleset}", mount_point=mount_point, roleset=roleset, ) return self._adapter.get( url=api_path, )
[docs] def generate_service_account_key( self, roleset, key_algorithm="KEY_ALG_RSA_2048", key_type="TYPE_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE", method="POST", mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT, ): """Generate Secret (IAM Service Account Creds): Service Account Key If using GET ('read'), the optional parameters will be set to their defaults. Use POST if you want to specify different values for these params. :param roleset: Name of an roleset with secret type service_account_key to generate key under. :type roleset: str | unicode :param key_algorithm: Key algorithm used to generate key. Defaults to 2k RSA key You probably should not choose other values (i.e. 1k), :type key_algorithm: str | unicode :param key_type: Private key type to generate. Defaults to JSON credentials file. :type key_type: str | unicode :param method: Supported methods: POST: /{mount_point}/key/{roleset}. Produces: 200 application/json GET: /{mount_point}/key/{roleset}. Produces: 200 application/json :type method: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/key/{roleset}", mount_point=mount_point, roleset=roleset, ) if method == "POST": if key_algorithm not in SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_ALGORITHMS: error_msg = 'unsupported key_algorithm argument provided "{arg}", supported algorithms: "{algorithms}"' raise exceptions.ParamValidationError( error_msg.format( arg=key_algorithm, algorithms=",".join(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_ALGORITHMS), ) ) if key_type not in SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPES: error_msg = 'unsupported key_type argument provided "{arg}", supported types: "{key_types}"' raise exceptions.ParamValidationError( error_msg.format( arg=key_type, key_types=",".join(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPES), ) ) params = { "key_algorithm": key_algorithm, "key_type": key_type, } response = url=api_path, json=params, ) elif method == "GET": response = self._adapter.get( url=api_path, ) else: error_message = '"method" parameter provided invalid value; POST or GET allowed, "{method}" provided'.format( method=method ) raise exceptions.ParamValidationError(error_message) return response