Source code for hvac.adapters

# coding=utf-8
HTTP Client Library Adapters

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import requests
import requests.exceptions

from hvac import utils
from hvac.constants.client import DEFAULT_URL

[docs]class Adapter(object): """Abstract base class used when constructing adapters for use with the Client class.""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__( self, base_uri=DEFAULT_URL, token=None, cert=None, verify=True, timeout=30, proxies=None, allow_redirects=True, session=None, namespace=None, ignore_exceptions=False, strict_http=False, ): """Create a new request adapter instance. :param base_uri: Base URL for the Vault instance being addressed. :type base_uri: str :param token: Authentication token to include in requests sent to Vault. :type token: str :param cert: Certificates for use in requests sent to the Vault instance. This should be a tuple with the certificate and then key. :type cert: tuple :param verify: Either a boolean to indicate whether TLS verification should be performed when sending requests to Vault, or a string pointing at the CA bundle to use for verification. See :type verify: Union[bool,str] :param timeout: The timeout value for requests sent to Vault. :type timeout: int :param proxies: Proxies to use when preforming requests. See: :type proxies: dict :param allow_redirects: Whether to follow redirects when sending requests to Vault. :type allow_redirects: bool :param session: Optional session object to use when performing request. :type session: request.Session :param namespace: Optional Vault Namespace. :type namespace: str :param ignore_exceptions: If True, _always_ return the response object for a given request. I.e., don't raise an exception based on response status code, etc. :type ignore_exceptions: bool :param strict_http: If True, use only standard HTTP verbs in request with additional params, otherwise process as is :type strict_http: bool """ if not session: session = requests.Session() self.base_uri = base_uri self.token = token self.namespace = namespace self.session = session self.allow_redirects = allow_redirects self.ignore_exceptions = ignore_exceptions self.strict_http = strict_http self._kwargs = { "cert": cert, "verify": verify, "timeout": timeout, "proxies": proxies, }
[docs] @staticmethod def urljoin(*args): """Joins given arguments into a url. Trailing and leading slashes are stripped for each argument. :param args: Multiple parts of a URL to be combined into one string. :type args: str | unicode :return: Full URL combining all provided arguments :rtype: str | unicode """ return "/".join(map(lambda x: str(x).strip("/"), args))
[docs] def close(self): """Close the underlying Requests session.""" self.session.close()
[docs] def get(self, url, **kwargs): """Performs a GET request. :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.request("get", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, url, **kwargs): """Performs a POST request. :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.request("post", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, url, **kwargs): """Performs a PUT request. :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.request("put", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, url, **kwargs): """Performs a DELETE request. :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.request("delete", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def list(self, url, **kwargs): """Performs a LIST request. :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.request("list", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def head(self, url, **kwargs): """Performs a HEAD request. :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ return self.request("head", url, **kwargs)
[docs] def login(self, url, use_token=True, **kwargs): """Perform a login request. Associated request is typically to a path prefixed with "/v1/auth") and optionally stores the client token sent in the resulting Vault response for use by the :py:meth:`hvac.adapters.Adapter` instance under the _adapater Client attribute. :param url: Path to send the authentication request to. :type url: str | unicode :param use_token: if True, uses the token in the response received from the auth request to set the "token" attribute on the the :py:meth:`hvac.adapters.Adapter` instance under the _adapater Client attribute. :type use_token: bool :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the params sent with the request. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the auth request. :rtype: requests.Response """ response =, **kwargs) if use_token: self.token = self.get_login_token(response) return response
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_login_token(self, response): """Extracts the client token from a login response. :param response: The response object returned by the login method. :return: A client token. :rtype: str """ return NotImplementedError
[docs] @utils.deprecated_method( to_be_removed_in_version="0.9.0", new_method=login, ) def auth(self, url, use_token=True, **kwargs): return self.login(url=url, use_token=use_token, **kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def request(self, method, url, headers=None, raise_exception=True, **kwargs): """Main method for routing HTTP requests to the configured Vault base_uri. Intended to be implement by subclasses. :param method: HTTP method to use with the request. E.g., GET, POST, etc. :type method: str :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param headers: Additional headers to include with the request. :type headers: dict :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :param raise_exception: If True, raise an exception via utils.raise_for_error(). Set this parameter to False to bypass this functionality. :type raise_exception: bool :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class RawAdapter(Adapter): """ The RawAdapter adapter class. This adapter adds Vault-specific headers as required and optionally raises exceptions on errors, but always returns Response objects for requests. """
[docs] def get_login_token(self, response): """Extracts the client token from a login response. :param response: The response object returned by the login method. :type response: requests.Response :return: A client token. :rtype: str """ response_json = response.json() return response_json["auth"]["client_token"]
[docs] def request(self, method, url, headers=None, raise_exception=True, **kwargs): """Main method for routing HTTP requests to the configured Vault base_uri. :param method: HTTP method to use with the request. E.g., GET, POST, etc. :type method: str :param url: Partial URL path to send the request to. This will be joined to the end of the instance's base_uri attribute. :type url: str | unicode :param headers: Additional headers to include with the request. :type headers: dict :param raise_exception: If True, raise an exception via utils.raise_for_error(). Set this parameter to False to bypass this functionality. :type raise_exception: bool :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to include in the requests call. :type kwargs: dict :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ while "//" in url: # Vault CLI treats a double forward slash ('//') as a single forward slash for a given path. # To avoid issues with the requests module's redirection logic, we perform the same translation here. url = url.replace("//", "/") url = self.urljoin(self.base_uri, url) if not headers: headers = {} if self.token: headers["X-Vault-Token"] = self.token if self.namespace: headers["X-Vault-Namespace"] = self.namespace wrap_ttl = kwargs.pop("wrap_ttl", None) if wrap_ttl: headers["X-Vault-Wrap-TTL"] = str(wrap_ttl) _kwargs = self._kwargs.copy() _kwargs.update(kwargs) if self.strict_http and method.lower() in ("list",): # Entry point for standard HTTP substitution params = _kwargs.get("params", {}) if method.lower() == "list": method = "get" params.update({"list": "true"}) _kwargs["params"] = params response = self.session.request( method=method, url=url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=self.allow_redirects, **_kwargs ) if not response.ok and (raise_exception and not self.ignore_exceptions): text = errors = None if response.headers.get("Content-Type") == "application/json": try: errors = response.json().get("errors") except Exception: pass if errors is None: text = response.text utils.raise_for_error( method, url, response.status_code, text, errors=errors ) return response
[docs]class JSONAdapter(RawAdapter): """ The JSONAdapter adapter class. This adapter works just like the RawAdapter adapter except that HTTP 200 responses are returned as JSON dicts. All non-200 responses are returned as Response objects. """
[docs] def get_login_token(self, response): """Extracts the client token from a login response. :param response: The response object returned by the login method. :type response: dict | requests.Response :return: A client token. :rtype: str """ return response["auth"]["client_token"]
[docs] def request(self, *args, **kwargs): """Main method for routing HTTP requests to the configured Vault base_uri. :param args: Positional arguments to pass to RawAdapter.request. :type args: list :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to RawAdapter.request. :type kwargs: dict :return: Dict on HTTP 200 with JSON body, otherwise the response object. :rtype: dict | requests.Response """ response = super(JSONAdapter, self).request(*args, **kwargs) if response.status_code == 200: try: return response.json() except ValueError: pass return response
# Retaining the legacy name Request = RawAdapter