Source code for hvac.utils

Misc utility functions and constants

import functools
import inspect
import os
import warnings
from textwrap import dedent

import six

from hvac import exceptions

[docs]def raise_for_error(method, url, status_code, message=None, errors=None): """Helper method to raise exceptions based on the status code of a response received back from Vault. :param method: HTTP method of a request to Vault. :type method: str :param url: URL of the endpoint requested in Vault. :type url: str :param status_code: Status code received in a response from Vault. :type status_code: int :param message: Optional message to include in a resulting exception. :type message: str :param errors: Optional errors to include in a resulting exception. :type errors: list | str :raises: hvac.exceptions.InvalidRequest | hvac.exceptions.Unauthorized | hvac.exceptions.Forbidden | hvac.exceptions.InvalidPath | hvac.exceptions.RateLimitExceeded | hvac.exceptions.InternalServerError | hvac.exceptions.VaultNotInitialized | hvac.exceptions.BadGateway | hvac.exceptions.VaultDown | hvac.exceptions.UnexpectedError """ if status_code == 400: raise exceptions.InvalidRequest(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 401: raise exceptions.Unauthorized(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 403: raise exceptions.Forbidden(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 404: raise exceptions.InvalidPath(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 429: raise exceptions.RateLimitExceeded(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 500: raise exceptions.InternalServerError(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 501: raise exceptions.VaultNotInitialized(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 502: raise exceptions.BadGateway(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) elif status_code == 503: raise exceptions.VaultDown(message, errors=errors, method=method, url=url) else: raise exceptions.UnexpectedError(message or errors, method=method, url=url)
[docs]def generate_method_deprecation_message(to_be_removed_in_version, old_method_name, method_name=None, module_name=None): """Generate a message to be used when warning about the use of deprecated methods. :param to_be_removed_in_version: Version of this module the deprecated method will be removed in. :type to_be_removed_in_version: str :param old_method_name: Deprecated method name. :type old_method_name: str :param method_name: Method intended to replace the deprecated method indicated. This method's docstrings are included in the decorated method's docstring. :type method_name: str :param module_name: Name of the module containing the new method to use. :type module_name: str :return: Full deprecation warning message for the indicated method. :rtype: str """ message = "Call to deprecated function '{old_method_name}'. This method will be removed in version '{version}'".format( old_method_name=old_method_name, version=to_be_removed_in_version, ) if method_name is not None and module_name is not None: message += " Please use the '{method_name}' method on the '{module_name}' class moving forward.".format( method_name=method_name, module_name=module_name, ) return message
[docs]def generate_property_deprecation_message(to_be_removed_in_version, old_name, new_name, new_attribute, module_name='Client'): """Generate a message to be used when warning about the use of deprecated properties. :param to_be_removed_in_version: Version of this module the deprecated property will be removed in. :type to_be_removed_in_version: str :param old_name: Deprecated property name. :type old_name: str :param new_name: Name of the new property name to use. :type new_name: str :param new_attribute: The new attribute where the new property can be found. :type new_attribute: str :param module_name: Name of the module containing the new method to use. :type module_name: str :return: Full deprecation warning message for the indicated property. :rtype: str """ message = "Call to deprecated property '{name}'. This property will be removed in version '{version}'".format( name=old_name, version=to_be_removed_in_version, ) message += " Please use the '{new_name}' property on the '{module_name}.{new_attribute}' attribute moving forward.".format( new_name=new_name, module_name=module_name, new_attribute=new_attribute, ) return message
[docs]def getattr_with_deprecated_properties(obj, item, deprecated_properties): """Helper method to use in the getattr method of a class with deprecated properties. :param obj: Instance of the Class containing the deprecated properties in question. :type obj: object :param item: Name of the attribute being requested. :type item: str :param deprecated_properties: List of deprecated properties. Each item in the list is a dict with at least a "to_be_removed_in_version" and "client_property" key to be used in the displayed deprecation warning. :type deprecated_properties: List[dict] :return: The new property indicated where available. :rtype: object """ if item in deprecated_properties: deprecation_message = generate_property_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version=deprecated_properties[item]['to_be_removed_in_version'], old_name=item, new_name=deprecated_properties[item].get('new_property', item), new_attribute=deprecated_properties[item]['client_property'], ) warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn( message=deprecation_message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning) client_property = getattr(obj, deprecated_properties[item]['client_property']) return getattr(client_property, deprecated_properties[item].get('new_property', item)) raise AttributeError("'{class_name}' has no attribute '{item}'".format( class_name=obj.__class__.__name__, item=item, ))
[docs]def deprecated_method(to_be_removed_in_version, new_method=None): """This is a decorator which can be used to mark methods as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used. :param to_be_removed_in_version: Version of this module the decorated method will be removed in. :type to_be_removed_in_version: str :param new_method: Method intended to replace the decorated method. This method's docstrings are included in the decorated method's docstring. :type new_method: function :return: Wrapped function that includes a deprecation warning and update docstrings from the replacement method. :rtype: types.FunctionType """ def decorator(method): deprecation_message = generate_method_deprecation_message( to_be_removed_in_version=to_be_removed_in_version, old_method_name=method.__name__, method_name=new_method.__name__, module_name=inspect.getmodule(new_method).__name__, ) @functools.wraps(method) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) # turn off filter warnings.warn( message=deprecation_message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning) # reset filter return method(*args, **kwargs) if new_method: # Here we copy the docstring from the specified replacement method (i.e., the method to be used in place of # the one we're marking as deprecated) where available to set within the deprecated method's docstring. # If the "new" method has no docstring, we use a value of "N/A". docstring_copy = new_method.__doc__ if new_method.__doc__ is not None else "N/A" if new_method.__doc__ is not None: new_func.__doc__ = """\ {message} Docstring content from this method's replacement copied below: {docstring_copy} """.format( message=deprecation_message, docstring_copy=dedent(docstring_copy), ) else: new_func.__doc__ = deprecation_message return new_func return decorator
[docs]def validate_list_of_strings_param(param_name, param_argument): """Validate that an argument is a list of strings. :param param_name: The name of the parameter being validated. Used in any resulting exception messages. :type param_name: str | unicode :param param_argument: The argument to validate. :type param_argument: list :return: True if the argument is validated, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if param_argument is None: param_argument = [] if isinstance(param_argument, str): param_argument = param_argument.split(',') if not isinstance(param_argument, list) or not all(isinstance(p, str) for p in param_argument): error_msg = 'unsupported {param} argument provided "{arg}" ({arg_type}), required type: List[str]' raise exceptions.ParamValidationError(error_msg.format( param=param_name, arg=param_argument, arg_type=type(param_argument), ))
[docs]def list_to_comma_delimited(list_param): """Convert a list of strings into a comma-delimited list / string. :param list_param: A list of strings. :type list_param: list :return: Comma-delimited string. :rtype: str """ if list_param is None: list_param = [] return ','.join(list_param)
[docs]def get_token_from_env(): """Get the token from env var, VAULT_TOKEN. If not set, attempt to get the token from, ~/.vault-token :return: The vault token if set, else None :rtype: str | None """ token = os.getenv('VAULT_TOKEN') if not token: token_file_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.vault-token') if os.path.exists(token_file_path): with open(token_file_path, 'r') as f_in: token = if not token: return None return token
[docs]def comma_delimited_to_list(list_param): """Convert comma-delimited list / string into a list of strings :param list_param: Comma-delimited string :type list_param: str | unicode :return: A list of strings :rtype: list """ if isinstance(list_param, list): return list_param if isinstance(list_param, str): return list_param.split(',') else: return []
[docs]def validate_pem_format(param_name, param_argument): """Validate that an argument is a PEM-formatted public key or certificate :param param_name: The name of the parameter being validate. Used in any resulting exception messages. :type param_name: str | unicode :param param_argument: The argument to validate :type param_argument: str | unicode :return: True if the argument is validate False otherwise :rtype: bool """ def _check_pem(arg): arg = arg.strip() if not arg.startswith('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') \ or not arg.endswith('-----END CERTIFICATE-----'): return False return True if isinstance(param_argument, str): param_argument = [param_argument] if not isinstance(param_argument, list) or not all(_check_pem(p) for p in param_argument): error_msg = 'unsupported {param} public key / certificate format, required type: PEM' raise exceptions.ParamValidationError(error_msg.format(param=param_name))
[docs]def remove_nones(params): """Removes None values from optional arguments in a parameter dictionary. :param params: The dictionary of parameters to be filtered. :type params: dict :return: A filtered copy of the parameter dictionary. :rtype: dict """ return { key: value for key, value in params.items() if value is not None }
[docs]def format_url(format_str, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a URL using the specified format after escaping the provided arguments. :param format_str: The URL containing replacement fields. :type format_str: str :param kwargs: Positional replacement field values. :type kwargs: list :param kwargs: Named replacement field values. :type kwargs: dict :return: The formatted URL path with escaped replacement fields. :rtype: str """ def url_quote(maybe_str): # Special care must be taken for Python 2 where Unicode characters will break urllib quoting. # To work around this, we always cast to a Unicode type, then UTF-8 encode it. # Doing this is version agnostic and returns the same result in Python 2 or 3. unicode_str = six.text_type(maybe_str) utf8_str = unicode_str.encode("utf-8") return six.moves.urllib.parse.quote(utf8_str) escaped_args = [url_quote(value) for value in args] escaped_kwargs = {key: url_quote(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()} return format_str.format( *escaped_args, **escaped_kwargs )