Source code for hvac.api.auth_methods.kubernetes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Kubernetes methods module."""
from hvac import exceptions, utils
from hvac.api.vault_api_base import VaultApiBase
from hvac.utils import validate_list_of_strings_param, comma_delimited_to_list, validate_pem_format

DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT = 'kubernetes'

[docs]class Kubernetes(VaultApiBase): """Kubernetes Auth Method (API). Reference: """
[docs] def configure(self, kubernetes_host, kubernetes_ca_cert=None, token_reviewer_jwt=None, pem_keys=None, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Configure the connection parameters for Kubernetes. This path honors the distinction between the create and update capabilities inside ACL policies. Supported methods: POST: /auth/{mount_point}/config. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param kubernetes_host: Host must be a host string, a host:port pair, or a URL to the base of the Kubernetes API server. Example: :type kubernetes_host: str | unicode :param kubernetes_ca_cert: PEM encoded CA cert for use by the TLS client used to talk with the Kubernetes API. NOTE: Every line must end with a newline: \n :type kubernetes_ca_cert: str | unicode :param token_reviewer_jwt: A service account JWT used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs during login. If not set the JWT used for login will be used to access the API. :type token_reviewer_jwt: str | unicode :param pem_keys: Optional list of PEM-formatted public keys or certificates used to verify the signatures of Kubernetes service account JWTs. If a certificate is given, its public key will be extracted. Not every installation of Kubernetes exposes these keys. :type pem_keys: list :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the configure_method request. :rtype: requests.Response """ list_of_pem_params = { 'kubernetes_ca_cert': kubernetes_ca_cert, 'pem_keys': pem_keys } for param_name, param_argument in list_of_pem_params.items(): if param_argument is not None: validate_pem_format( param_name=param_name, param_argument=param_argument, ) params = { 'kubernetes_host': kubernetes_host, } params.update( utils.remove_nones({ 'kubernetes_ca_cert': kubernetes_ca_cert, 'token_reviewer_jwt': token_reviewer_jwt, 'pem_keys': pem_keys, }) ) api_path = utils.format_url( '/v1/auth/{mount_point}/config', mount_point=mount_point ) return url=api_path, json=params, )
[docs] def read_config(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Return the previously configured config, including credentials. Supported methods: GET: /auth/{mount_point}/config. Produces: 200 application/json :param mount_point: The "path" the kubernetes auth method was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The data key from the JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url('/v1/auth/{mount_point}/config', mount_point=mount_point) response = self._adapter.get( url=api_path, ) return response.json().get('data')
[docs] def create_role(self, name, bound_service_account_names, bound_service_account_namespaces, ttl=None, max_ttl=None, period=None, policies=None, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Create a role in the method. Registers a role in the auth method. Role types have specific entities that can perform login operations against this endpoint. Constraints specific to the role type must be set on the role. These are applied to the authenticated entities attempting to login. Supported methods: POST: /auth/{mount_point}/role/{name}. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param name: Name of the role. :type name: str | unicode :param bound_service_account_names: List of service account names able to access this role. If set to "*" all names are allowed, both this and bound_service_account_namespaces can not be "*". :type bound_service_account_names: list | str | unicode :param bound_service_account_namespaces: List of namespaces allowed to access this role. If set to "*" all namespaces are allowed, both this and bound_service_account_names can not be set to "*". :type bound_service_account_namespaces: list | str | unicode :param ttl: The TTL period of tokens issued using this role in seconds. :type ttl: str | unicode :param max_ttl: The maximum allowed lifetime of tokens issued in seconds using this role. :type max_ttl: str | unicode :param period: If set, indicates that the token generated using this role should never expire. The token should be renewed within the duration specified by this value. At each renewal, the token's TTL will be set to the value of this parameter. :type period: str | unicode :param policies: Policies to be set on tokens issued using this role. :type policies: list | str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the azure auth method was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ list_of_strings_params = { 'bound_service_account_names': bound_service_account_names, 'bound_service_account_namespaces': bound_service_account_namespaces, 'policies': policies } for param_name, param_argument in list_of_strings_params.items(): validate_list_of_strings_param( param_name=param_name, param_argument=param_argument, ) if bound_service_account_names in ("*", ["*"]) and bound_service_account_namespaces in ("*", ["*"]): error_msg = 'unsupported combination of `bind_service_account_names` and ' \ '`bound_service_account_namespaces` arguments. Both of them can not be set to `*`' raise exceptions.ParamValidationError(error_msg) params = { 'bound_service_account_names': comma_delimited_to_list(bound_service_account_names), 'bound_service_account_namespaces': comma_delimited_to_list(bound_service_account_namespaces), } params.update( utils.remove_nones({ 'ttl': ttl, 'max_ttl': max_ttl, 'period': period, }) ) if policies is not None: params['policies'] = comma_delimited_to_list(policies) api_path = utils.format_url('/v1/auth/{mount_point}/role/{name}', mount_point=mount_point, name=name) return url=api_path, json=params, )
[docs] def read_role(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Returns the previously registered role configuration. Supported methods: POST: /auth/{mount_point}/role/{name}. Produces: 200 application/json :param name: Name of the role. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the kubernetes auth method was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The "data" key from the JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url( '/v1/auth/{mount_point}/role/{name}', mount_point=mount_point, name=name, ) response = self._adapter.get( url=api_path, ) return response.json().get('data')
[docs] def list_roles(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """List all the roles that are registered with the plugin. Supported methods: LIST: /auth/{mount_point}/role. Produces: 200 application/json :param mount_point: The "path" the kubernetes auth method was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The "data" key from the JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url('/v1/auth/{mount_point}/role', mount_point=mount_point) response = self._adapter.list( url=api_path, ) return response.json().get('data')
[docs] def delete_role(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Delete the previously registered role. Supported methods: DELETE: /auth/{mount_point}/role/{name}. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param name: Name of the role. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the kubernetes auth method was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url( '/v1/auth/{mount_point}/role/{name}', mount_point=mount_point, name=name, ) return self._adapter.delete( url=api_path, )
[docs] def login(self, role, jwt, use_token=True, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Fetch a token. This endpoint takes a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) and a role name for some entity. It verifies the JWT signature to authenticate that entity and then authorizes the entity for the given role. Supported methods: POST: /auth/{mount_point}/login. Produces: 200 application/json :param role: Name of the role against which the login is being attempted. :type role: str | unicode :param jwt: Signed JSON Web Token (JWT) from Azure MSI. :type jwt: str | unicode :param use_token: if True, uses the token in the response received from the auth request to set the "token" attribute on the the :py:meth:`hvac.adapters.Adapter` instance under the _adapater Client attribute. :type use_token: bool :param mount_point: The "path" the azure auth method was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ params = { 'role': role, 'jwt': jwt, } api_path = utils.format_url('/v1/auth/{mount_point}/login', mount_point=mount_point) response = self._adapter.login( url=api_path, use_token=use_token, json=params, ) return response