Source code for hvac.api.secrets_engines.ldap

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""LDAP methods module."""

from hvac import utils
from hvac.api.vault_api_base import VaultApiBase


[docs]class Ldap(VaultApiBase): """LDAP Secrets Engine (API). Reference: """
[docs] def configure( self, binddn=None, bindpass=None, url=None, password_policy=None, schema=None, userdn=None, userattr=None, upndomain=None, connection_timeout=None, request_timeout=None, starttls=None, insecure_tls=None, certificate=None, client_tls_cert=None, client_tls_key=None, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT, ): """Configure shared information for the ldap secrets engine. Supported methods: POST: /{mount_point}/config. Produces: 204 (empty body) :param binddn: Distinguished name of object to bind when performing user and group search. :type binddn: str | unicode :param bindpass: Password to use along with binddn when performing user search. :type bindpass: str | unicode :param url: Base DN under which to perform user search. :type url: str | unicode :param userdn: Base DN under which to perform user search. :type userdn: str | unicode :param upndomain: userPrincipalDomain used to construct the UPN string for the authenticating user. :type upndomain: str | unicode :param password_policy: The name of the password policy to use to generate passwords. :type password_policy: str | unicode :param schema: The LDAP schema to use when storing entry passwords. Valid schemas include ``openldap``, ``ad``, and ``racf``. :type schema: str | unicode :param connection_timeout: Timeout, in seconds, when attempting to connect to the LDAP server before trying the next URL in the configuration. :type connection_timeout: int | str :param request_timeout: Timeout, in seconds, for the connection when making requests against the server before returning back an error. :type request_timeout: int | str :param starttls: If true, issues a StartTLS command after establishing an unencrypted connection. :type starttls: bool :param insecure_tls: If true, skips LDAP server SSL certificate verification - insecure, use with caution! :type insecure_tls: bool :param certificate: CA certificate to use when verifying LDAP server certificate, must be x509 PEM encoded. :type certificate: str | unicode :param client_tls_cert: Client certificate to provide to the LDAP server, must be x509 PEM encoded. :type client_tls_cert: str | unicode :param client_tls_key: Client key to provide to the LDAP server, must be x509 PEM encoded. :type client_tls_key: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ params = utils.remove_nones( { "binddn": binddn, "bindpass": bindpass, "url": url, "userdn": userdn, "userattr": userattr, "upndomain": upndomain, "password_policy": password_policy, "schema": schema, "connection_timeout": connection_timeout, "request_timeout": request_timeout, "starttls": starttls, "insecure_tls": insecure_tls, "certificate": certificate, "client_tls_cert": client_tls_cert, "client_tls_key": client_tls_key, } ) api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{mount_point}/config", mount_point=mount_point) return url=api_path, json=params, )
[docs] def read_config(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Read the configured shared information for the ldap secrets engine. Credentials will be omitted from returned data. Supported methods: GET: /{mount_point}/config. Produces: 200 application/json :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{mount_point}/config", mount_point=mount_point) return self._adapter.get( url=api_path, )
[docs] def rotate_root(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """Rotate the root password for the binddn entry used to manage the ldap secrets engine. Supported methods: POST: /{mount_point}/rotate root. Produces: 200 application/json :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = utils.format_url( "/v1/{mount_point}/rotate-root", mount_point=mount_point ) return
[docs] def create_or_update_static_role( self, name, username=None, dn=None, rotation_period=None, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT, ): """This endpoint creates or updates the ldap static role definition. :param name: Specifies the name of an existing static role against which to create this ldap credential. :type name: str | unicode :param username: The name of a pre-existing service account in LDAP that maps to this static role. This value is required on create and cannot be updated. :type username: str | unicode :param dn: Distinguished name of the existing LDAP entry to manage password rotation for (takes precedence over username). Optional but cannot be modified after creation. :type dn: str | unicode :param rotation_period: How often Vault should rotate the password. This is provided as a string duration with a time suffix like "30s" or "1h" or as seconds. If not provided, the default Vault rotation_period is used. :type rotation_period: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{}/static-role/{}", mount_point, name) params = {"username": username, "rotation_period": rotation_period} params.update(utils.remove_nones({"dn": dn})) return url=api_path, json=params, )
[docs] def read_static_role(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """This endpoint queries for information about an ldap static role with the given name. If no role exists with that name, a 404 is returned. :param name: Specifies the name of the static role to query. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{}/static-role/{}", mount_point, name) return self._adapter.get( url=api_path, )
[docs] def list_static_roles(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """This endpoint lists all existing static roles in the secrets engine. :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{}/static-role", mount_point) return self._adapter.list( url=api_path, )
[docs] def delete_static_role(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """This endpoint deletes an ldap static role with the given name. Even if the role does not exist, this endpoint will still return a successful response. :param name: Specifies the name of the role to delete. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{}/static-role/{}", mount_point, name) return self._adapter.delete( url=api_path, )
[docs] def generate_static_credentials(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """This endpoint retrieves the previous and current LDAP password for the associated account (or rotate if required) :param name: Specifies the name of the static role to request credentials from. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{}/static-cred/{}", mount_point, name) return self._adapter.get( url=api_path, )
[docs] def rotate_static_credentials(self, name, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """This endpoint rotates the password of an existing static role. :param name: Specifies the name of the static role to rotate credentials for. :type name: str | unicode :param mount_point: The "path" the method/backend was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The response of the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ api_path = utils.format_url("/v1/{}/rotate-role/{}", mount_point, name) return url=api_path, )